Thursday 14 April 2011

TB M'gillah 13b - R'fuah before the Makkah

Originally published 4/14/11, 9:54 pm.
«Rava said: "Only after the Holy One, created the affliction did HE send the affliction"» Tr Schottenstein

Question: what r'fuah did HKBH create before the European Holocaust?

I thought of two possible answers

A. Escape to America [as B"H my own grandparents did]

B Zionism

It is up to History and to Greater People than I to verify the validity of these hypotheses.


1 comment:

unorthodox orthodoxy said...

That is why Gittin comes before Kidushin, but don't tell that to the wives.
Seriously, I believe that was the Rov's explanation as to why he, the grandson of Rav Chaim became a Zionist