Monday, 7 November 2011

Haftarat Lech Lecha, v'Koyei vs. v'Kovei

I recently posted this query to the leining group
Re: the recent haftarah, of Lech Lecha, Yeshaya 40:31, what is the proper pronunciation?
v'Koyei - with a holam malei tzeirei under the yud and no yud following [yet simanim tikkun does have a 2nd yud]
v'Kovei - holam hoseir, vov with a tzeirei malei, that is a yud ending the tzeirei.
Someone told me that the Minchat Shai favors v'Koyei.

Sometimes we are sure of ourselves, certain about a given point. But this certitude must be weighed against the ambiguities of reality. As humans, we often cannot be so certain of our "sheetot". We need to learn to tolerate ambiguity - because the flexible reed bends and withstands the storm, while the mighty oak cracks.
Note - this is both an aggadic passage and a zen lesson - using bamboo instead of the reed.


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