Thursday 1 April 2010

Hameitz Contracts - a Purim Approach

Originally published 4/1/10, 5:45 pm.
Recently, a group requested to compare their Sale-of-Hameitz contracts. Here is my approach to these contracts - an approach I find superior - at least in the realm of humour! I myself have a simple approach to contracts - namely, after Purim, I take out a contract to destroy all hameitz!
I simply give some cash to several gentlemen with names like Tony, Vito. Big Al, and Guido. They just whack all the Hameitz until no Hameitz remains. This is not a really new approach at all! In fact - this type of contract has been helping families solve their hameitz problems for years - as well as addressing several other difficult situations
Usually Tony, Vito et al. Leave no trace of Hametz behind. AND they enjoy their work so much that they have a blast doing it. Whatever, if you choose this method, don't let Elliot the miracle-man know ;-)

In the spirit of Purim,

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